Tuesday, May 26, 2009

iso [i, saw] the slow it down - WYWY reflections

reflections,hdr,slow shutter,blue hour,cityscape

One of the famous food places in KB. As usual, I am aiming for a mirror reflection.

iso [i, saw] the slow it down - DST Main office

hdr,night,slow shutter,cityscape

The photo was taken from the parking lot which the security guard was kind enough to let pass. Thanks Mr Security Guard person. :) The post processing is heading in the artistic direction. I have not been producing these kind of images for a while.

Monday, May 25, 2009

iso [i, saw] the slow it down - Jetty at Kianggeh

exposure blending,slow shutter,night

This is where I took the pictures from in the last three posting

iso [i, saw] the slow it down - BSB at night

refletions,bandar seri begawan,slow shutter,night,panorama

This is a panorama taken on the same day, same location, different azimuth. This is a single exposure with 5 shots.

Added: 26th May 2009
Here is the larger version of the image.

iso [i, saw] the slow it down - Arts & Crafts Center

hdr,reflections,slow shutter,night,cityscape

Another attempt at the project taken from the same location as the previous post, just looking further ahead. Still suffer the same problem but minimised somewhat in post processing.

iso [i, saw] the slow it down - Colourful trees

hdr,slow shutter,night,reflections

I was not too happy with the results but I got a few encouragements from Dudsy65 and others about it. So here it is. You'll notice that the fluorescent lights are smeared, the exact location of fingerprint marks on the lens.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

"iso [i, saw] the slow it down project" failed attempts(?)

pinhole,flower,orchids pinhole,flower,paper flowers

This is my failed attempt at tackling the slow it down project. My original plan was to use an old school science project to lower down the amount of light into the camera, just like a neutral density (ND) filter. Yup, you guessed it from the images above, pinhole cameras. I have been researching this for quite some time. Luckily this project came through. Unfortunately, directly capturing a pinhole image from a point & shoot is not great. At least for my gear, Canon PowerShot A650IS. The original images were very blurred, only post-processing allow some decent images to come out though blurred and very small.

Now I have to think of another method to tackle the problem.

Pre-cursor to the "iso [i, saw] the slow it down project"

cityscape,panorama,bandar seri begawan

Just looking around looking for subjects to capture on camera. Malangnya, I think I found a nice place to shoot it but tak sempat nak tunggu sampai malam.

Anyhow, this is a panorama shot, single exposure and 9 images. I did some post processing to improve the blueness of the sky, increase the colour saturation, increased the local contrast and some sharpening. In total, ngambil masa dari awal konsert akhir AF sampai lah habis. Maklumlah, masih belajar gunakan software lah katakan.

Komen & kritik tah.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

iso [i, saw] the sell your car project - the X-cave-a-tor - a different kind of car

I thought this is a nice variation to the "iso [i, saw] the sell your car project". Hope people would like it :-)