Saturday, October 31, 2009

Limited depth of field week - part III

cat,depth of field,portrait
- ISO 80 - f4.8 - 1/250s - No flash

macro,flower,depth of field
- ISO 80 - f4.8 - 1/200s - No flash -

depth of field,macro,random
- ISO 80 - f2.8 - 1/640s - No flash -

depth of field,spider,macro
- ISO 80 - f2.8 - 1/1000s - No flash -

I was playing around with the limited depth of field so much that I have decided to post more pictures regarding the matter.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Limited depth of field Week - Portraits

depth of field,cat
- ISO 100 - f/4.8 - 1/160s - No flash -

depth of field,cat
- ISO 200 - f/4.8 - 1/250s - No flash -

depth of field,cat
- ISO 100 - f/4.8 - 1/160s - No flash -

depth of field,cat
- ISO 200 - f/4.8 - 1/250s - No flash -

After picking up some hints from fellow photographers, this is what I managed to do with my P&S. Kinda fun to shoot portraits with limited depth of field. I only wish my subjects would stay still long enough for me to take a snap.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Limited depth of field Week

flower,macro,vignetting,depth of field
- ISO 100 - f3.2 - 1/160s - no flash -

flower,macro,depth of field,vignetting
- ISO 100 - f3.2 - 1/320s - no flash -

flower,macro,vignetting,depth of field
- ISO 100 - f3.2 - 1/320s - no flash -

I am glad to say that I'm backkkk! After the death of my old and trusted Acer Travelmate a few months ago :'( died primarily of motherboard failure as well as corrupted hard disk. Which means, I have to recover all those important documents, photos, songs, videos and the like from the disk which is a pain.

Due to that, I am forced to relocate my work to an unbranded Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz computer that I had build with an aging & equally slow S3 Inc. VT8375 [ProSavage8 KM266/KL266] graphics card as well as reinstalling those custom softwares for image processing.

Anyway, I have decided that this week is my "Limited depth of field" week. This could be anything like a macro shot (just like the three pictures on the left) or the ever so popular portrait with those bokeh backgrounds. Currently, I'm learning to make the latter out of my trusty p&s camera. Let's just hope that some will be successful so I could post them.

p.s. The last two pictures contain some contrast enhancement I have been playing around recently.